Clans and Classes

Clans Type

There are a total of 6 Clans.

(Bannieres des 6 clans)

Combat :

Each Warshmallow has a primary attribute of Clan Type which determines its Battle Skills. In combat, each Warshmallow can cast an active skill, as well as enjoy battle bonuses provided by its passive skill. These skills are determined by it's Clan Type.

Clan Super Power Skills :

  • Yellow : Change for 1 second all bullet to yellow

  • Blue : Harmless for 1 second

  • Green : Plant a tree for defense

  • Pink : Changes bullets directions

  • Orange : Surround her self with dummies

  • White Girl : Hacks the jet pack of all Warshmallows

  • White Boy : Farting cuchion that absorbs damage and explodes


There are 3 classes for each Charracters :

(Icones des classes)

Scout : Stats tends to make the character more agile and fast, but fragile

Damage : Stats tends to make the character balanced

Tank : Stats tends to make the character strong and resistant, but slow


A Warshmallow's base attributes are determined by it's class. Certain classes of Warshmallows enjoy higher base attributes.

Combat :

Classes make certain roles in battle more suitable for each Warshmallow.

The three main Class archetypes consist of: Tanks, Damage, Support.

Powerups and items for Warshmallows:

Each marshmallow can equip Powerups and items that increase its attributes, skills. Each equipped item is an additional modifier to the attributes of the warshmallow.


Players can bring out the maximum potential of the team by balancing the composition of warshmallows classes, choosing complementary clans, combining skill synergies and positioning warshmallows strategically in battle.

Last updated