Mission, Vision, Values

🧭 Mission

Make a very fun casual competitive video game, accessible to a wide audience and help them understand the importance of ownership in the digital world

🔭 Vision

Build a transmedia IP out of the Warshmallows world characters and story. And for the video game create a new type of video game champions out of ordinary casual players

⚖️ Values

Players first

Our users and community members entrust us with their leisure time and money, and so Warshmallows World is built and will improve around our community needs and feedback.

Fun is King

Fun and all its synonyms like enjoyment, entertainment, amusement, etc.. are the pillars of Warshmallows world. Every decision making will be made having in mind that players’ fun should prevail above all.

Sustainability is Queen

Making a profitable and sustainable ecosystem around Warshmallows is our goal. We are building a new brand and franchise, starring the Warshmallows in video games but also in comic books, animated series, merchandising, etc … Tokenomics are designed in a circular way to give value to every element in the game.


By design, Warshmallows is made to that every human being can culturally identify himself playing it. And we are making a special effort to promote places in the world that were never seen in a video game.

Fair reward / Win to earn

Play a cool game and earn from it, this is a utopia getting real with play and earn mechanics. We believe in it, we want it to be real and fair. This is why we want to reward qualitative playtime, performance in the game, and players community engagement.

To Earendel and beyond

Earendel being the most distant star spotted by the Hubble telescope so far, our goal is to make Warshmallows as a brand, as a game, and as a transmedia experience go beyond Earendel.

Last updated