Getting/Earning the YoYo : Chindrella the maker
How to own YoYo coins from Warshmallows World
Last updated
How to own YoYo coins from Warshmallows World
Last updated
Chindrella and LilβZard are the two gods of the Warshmallows. All the balance of the world and its forces are in perfect balance between them. One is a maker and a giver, the other is a taker.
In the game, Chendrilla distributes the YoYo
1 YoYo every 24h for every player, you have to connect and claim it
Link up to 6 Warshmallows to the YoYo generator to increase the daily claimable YoYos
An amount of YoYos after every match for losers and winners.
At the end of the week, an amount of YoYos as a prize for leagues and tournaments online and in real life.