The purpose of this Whitepaper is to present the Warshmallows World and $YoYo to videogamers. The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide relevant and reasonable information to potential players in order for them to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis of the company.
Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for investment, nor does it in any way pertain to an offering or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. This document is not composed in accordance with and is not subject to, laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, which are designed to protect investors.
YoYo is not a security, commodity, or any other kind of financial instrument and has not been registered under the Securities Act, the securities laws of any state of the United States, or the securities laws of any other country, including the securities laws of any jurisdiction in which a potential token holder is a resident.
YoYo cannot be used for any purposes other than as provided in this Whitepaper, including but not limited to, any investment, speculative, or other financial purposes.
YoYo confers no other rights in any form, including but not limited to any ownership, distribution (including, but not limited to, profit), redemption, liquidation, property (including all forms of intellectual property), or other financial or legal rights, other than those specifically set forth below.
Certain statements, estimates, and financial information contained herein constitute forward-looking statements or information. Such forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates or the results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements.
This English language Whitepaper is the primary official source of information about Warshmallows World and YoYo. The information contained herein may from time to time be translated into other languages or used in the course of written or verbal communications with existing and prospective customers, partners, etc. In the course of such translation or communication, some of the information contained herein may be lost, corrupted, or misrepresented. The accuracy of such alternative communications cannot be guaranteed. In the event of any conflicts or inconsistencies between such translations and communications and this official English language White Paper, the provisions of this English language original document shall prevail.
This whitepaper was written by YouRun Ltd. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in the whitepaper is in accordance with the facts and makes no omission likely to affect its import.
Last updated